History ------- Version 1.01: March 20, 1995 ============================ * The LZX "v1" command is now supported as per the documentation, and is identical to LZX "vv" (verbose view). * Fixed the "--" option bug with command line parsing. * LZX now determines if a file to archive is a directory, and will archive the contents of that; e.g. "lzx a archivename.lzx dirname". * LZX won't complain if you try to add files to an empty archive. * LZX won't print blank lines if adding empty dirs with the -F (fast progress display) option. * LZX won't display AmigaDOS requesters (e.g. lzx a test.lzx xxx:blah won't bring up a requester for device "xxx:"). * LZX can now be aborted while it is storing files. * LZX can now be aborted when searching through an archive if adding files to that archive. * The 'e' (extract) command now works. * LZX a arcname * now works. * Fixed a date comparison bug in the updating code. * The -m option now causes files to be overwritten automatically. * Fixed a bug which made LZX very slow decompressing large archives. * Reduced memory requirements by 64K (more memory reductions are coming). * If the -P (task priority) option is used, LZX will now reset the priority to its original state upon exit. * LZX now adds a lower case ".lzx" to archive names, instead of an upper case ".LZX". * Performance improvements: The 68000EC version of LZX compresses about 5% faster. The 68020/68030 version decompresses about 8% faster. More performance improvements are forthcoming; Tomi has been able to tweak another 15% of speed out of the algorithm on the PC, which should hopefully result in a comparable gain when this change is ported to the Amiga version.